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3D camera system with synchronized lenses

  • The first 3D film (in Hungary) has been shot with special camera system consisted of two cameras (same type: 5D Canon Mark-II). The lenses of the two cameras were moved by a controller which, perfectly synchronized the movements. This was a key point of the quality of the 3D film. The cogwheels and servo motors were assembled on cameras and the motors were driven with help of an RC-controller.
  • There were two same frames designed and assembled onto cameras holding the motor mechanisms. All components needed to be wery lightweight that is way components made of high strength Aluminum. All parts were anodized to matte-black in order to prevent any unwanted reflection of light.
  • The motors were controlled by an RC-controller which, was “modified” in order to be able to control the two motors in absolutely same time, same way. The cogwheels design, manufacturing and other parts manufacturing were the tasks of PowerChild Kft – including RC-controller modification.
  • This unique special camera system was made for Kimera Production.